The Law Offices of Sher, Herman, Bellone & Tipograph

Mar 7, 2017

Nowadays in New York or elsewhere, most people with jobs are simply glad they have one, whether their line of work is rather mundane, exciting or even dangerous. Since unemployment levels soared in recent years, many people are willing to do almost anything just to earn a regular income that helps make ends meet. Some people may not even realize the work they do can place them at risk for injuries. Of course, many jobs are inherently dangerous, and their risks are more obvious.

No matter what type of job you have, your employer is obligated to provide appropriate training, as well as any necessary supplies or equipment needed to keep you safe. Most employers are also required to purchase insurance to provide benefits should you be injured during the normal course of your duties at work.

Which jobs are most dangerous?

There are certain types of employment that are more dangerous than others. Below are industries most commonly associated with on-the-job safety risks:

· Construction: Any type of building work typically involves danger from power tools, commercial vehicles and heavy machinery or equipment. The safety risks in the construction field are constant and many.

· Community service: Police, firefighters, rescue workers and others all face imminent dangers on the job every day.

· Transportation: Approximately 40 percent of all work-related deaths involve transportation accidents.

· Agriculture: Farm work is a staple industry in America, and it’s no secret how dangerous it can be.

If you work in a restaurant or other job where you often engage with the public, you might also be at risk for injury in the workplace. Obviously, it’s most important to receive medical attention as soon as possible if you get hurt. Sometimes, a person might fall or twist an ankle and choose not to go to the hospital only to find himself or herself facing a more serious condition later that might have been prevented if medical attention had been sought.

Where do I go for help?

You might have to spend time off work if your injury is severe. This can lead to a whole new set of problems and complications, especially if the workers’ compensation claims process doesn’t run smoothly for you.

If your employer fails to report your injury or an insurance agency attempts to deny your claim, you might be in for a real struggle to get the benefits you need to pay your medical bills and provide for your family while you recover. A workers’ compensation attorney can often get faster results than a worker trying to navigate the system alone.