The Law Offices of Sher, Herman, Bellone & Tipograph

Feb 10, 2017

Health care workers, despite being employed in a field that involves the care and well-being of the ill and injured, face a high risk of suffering an injury on the job. In fact, statistics indicate that individuals who work in hospitals face a risk of injury that is twice as high as others who are employed in the private sector.

Why are hospitals so dangerous?

New York hospitals are rife with safety and health hazards. Those employed in the health care industry face a risk of injuries associated with the following:

  • Cuts and punctures
  • Needle sticks
  • Falls
  • Sprains and strains
  • Bruises
  • Soreness and lingering pain
  • Back injuries

In addition to these physical injuries, health care workers also face continued exposure to contagious illnesses. An injury or illness is much more than an inconvenience, it may mean time away from work, medical treatment and missed shifts, ultimately resulting in lower pay.

Working in a hospital is a unique job, and it is one that comes with unique risks. Many doctors, nurses and care providers often put their own health and safety aside in order to provide aid to a patient, whether that means lifting or turning a bedridden person, restraining a dangerous patient or providing care to an individual suffering from a contagious illness. The innate nature of the job often comes with negative consequences for selfless health care workers.

The rights of injured workers

If you are an injured health care worker, you may be unsure of where to turn or how you will recoup the financial losses associated with the time you had to miss from work. Instead of worrying about who is liable or taking on extra shifts to cover missed pay, you would be wise to first turn to a workers’ compensation attorney. You may not realize that you have a valid case, but you could have a rightful claim to certain benefits available to injured workers, which include the following:

  • Medical treatment
  • Compensation for lost wages
  • Dental work or vision treatment, if needed
  • Restitution for scarring or disfigurement
  • Treatment for psychological damage

The benefits to which you are entitled depend on the nature of injuries and the treatment required in order for you to receive a full recovery. If your injuries are extensive and debilitating, you could also be eligible for disability benefits.