The Law Offices of Sher, Herman, Bellone & Tipograph

Occupational Diseases

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Occupational Diseases Covered by Workers’ Compensation in New York

Workers’ compensation in New York covers a variety of occupational diseases. Here are some common ones:

  • Asbestos-Related Diseases: Conditions like asbestosis and mesothelioma result from exposure to asbestos, commonly found in construction and manufacturing jobs.
  • Respiratory Conditions: Diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma may develop from prolonged exposure to harmful chemicals or dust in industries like mining or manufacturing.
  • Hearing Loss: Prolonged exposure to high noise levels in environments such as construction sites or factories can lead to hearing impairment or loss.
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries: Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome arise from repetitive motions and strain, often seen in office workers and assembly line jobs.
  • Skin Disorders: Occupational dermatitis and other skin conditions can develop from contact with irritants or allergens in various workplaces.

Defining Occupational Diseases

Occupational diseases are health conditions directly caused or exacerbated by the work environment or job duties. Unlike accidents that result from sudden events, occupational diseases develop over time due to ongoing exposure to harmful substances or repetitive stress. These diseases are covered under workers’ compensation laws in New York, provided that they meet specific criteria.

Proving the Connection Between Work Conditions and Your Illness

To secure workers’ compensation benefits for an occupational disease, you must establish a clear connection between your illness and your work conditions. This involves demonstrating that your job exposure is a significant factor in the development of your condition. Evidence such as medical records, work history, and expert testimony can help establish this link. A thorough investigation by an experienced occupational disease lawyer can ensure all necessary evidence is properly gathered and presented.

How an Occupational Disease Lawyer in New York, NY Can Help

An occupational disease lawyer in New York, NY plays a crucial role in navigating the complex legal landscape of workers’ compensation claims. At The Law Offices of Sher, Herman, Bellone & Tipograph, our lawyers have the expertise to help you file a claim, gather necessary documentation, and negotiate with insurance companies. We work diligently to ensure your case is presented effectively, maximizing your chances of receiving fair compensation for your condition.

Occupational Diseases: FAQs

What types of diseases are considered occupational?

Occupational diseases include those caused or aggravated by workplace conditions, such as asbestos-related diseases, respiratory conditions, hearing loss, repetitive strain injuries, and skin disorders.

How do I know if my condition is covered by workers' compensation?

To determine if your condition is covered, you need to prove that your illness is directly related to your work environment. Consult with an occupational disease lawyer to assess your case.

What evidence is needed to support my workers' compensation claim?

Evidence may include medical records, work history, exposure records, and expert testimony. Your lawyer will help gather and present this information effectively.

How long do I have to file a claim for an occupational disease?

In New York, you generally have two years from the date you became aware of your disease and its connection to your work to file a claim. It’s important to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure timely filing.

Can I receive compensation if I’m still working while suffering from an occupational disease?

Yes, you may be eligible for compensation if you can prove that your condition is related to your work. Your lawyer can help determine your eligibility and the best course of action.

Speak With Us Today to Learn How We Can Help

For a free consultation, please call 332-264-8318 or contact us online. We have offices in Manhattan, Queens, and White Plains.